Shorts: Terriblay (vintage) / Clarissa Sandals: Dr. Martens / Kerry Sunnies: Sunnies Studios / Leather backpack: Prada / Chiffon Sweatshirt: H&M
Bipolar weather in Manila is expected around this time of year. After a long stretch of what felt like a heat wave, it is only bound to pour soon. Still too hot to wear heavier fabrics, I opted for my wide legged shorts or culottes, as they are more aptly termed. Since I didn't want to look inappropriately dressed for the potential of rain, I brought a chiffony sweatshirt around with me, worn here as a scarf tied on my backpack.
My girl Melissa wrote a blog post about the "in betweens" sometime last week. Seems like a solid number of us are wading around feeling our way into our next defining moments, both in stages of our lives and between seasons. Easy to say, we are hopefully transitioning into something exciting soon. For my Vancouver fam, I'm looking forward to the beautiful summer to come and everything that comes with it! As for me, it is still a little early to tell.
Insta! @religionblack
Photos by Karyn Ong
First of all I love those culottes and if you were leaving here I would be trying to steal this from you, it is perfect. Thanks for the shout out, I am feeling in between, I have news to tell you, we need sometime to viber ;) xx
tough queen